Polly Fannlaf Art Polly Fannlaf Art

Beautiful and Empowered
It all started when photos of vulvas were needed for the re-release of FRAUENKÖRPER NEU GESEHEN. We noticed how exhilarating it is to get an unusual portrait. Even women who inspect their cunt regularly, found the image of their pussy in this size enlightening. From the interviews it became apparent that many women throughout their lives, especially in their youth, were or are confused about the nature of their cunt: Am I the only one where the inner labia peeps out of the outer labia? One side of the labia is bigger than the other. Is the way I smell normal? Is my clit to big? Am I too hairy? We just wanted to keep going to have lots of pictures of vulvas taht we can show on the events of Freudenfluss Network and PorYes. As here, in this exhibition for example. Many thanks to all who accompany us.

Genital Surgery
After the breasts the lips are on the operating table now. What is not beautiful or at least normal, is treated for expensive money. The profit bringing industries of the cosmetics and fashion industry (which includes cosmetic surgery) setting the standard of what is normal. They play into each others pockets and are supported editorially by the media that is depending on their advertisements. Normalizations for the labia follow the known body formalisations. Instead of declaring existing human diversity as the norm, or at least what is occuring most, something is declared the norm, which usually occurs only in pubertal age. With a norm that would satisfy most people, they would hardly make money either. In the case of the female vulva: the appearance of a bun. In men, normalization is known to be long, longer, longer. Since the penis and testicles are clearly visible outside the body, they are able to be observed and compared by adolescents. With relief it can be stated: the size varies and is usually below that of porn actors. Testicular shape and foreskin vary and two eggs in a sac are rarely the same size. A woman who is not into women does not see another's vulva, and often not even her own. In the under-20s, the operation of the labiais now second to the medically non-indicated operations, just after the breast augmentations.

Away with standards that only serve sales figures
Every person should be able to do what they want with their bodies even if it's a medically un-indicated surgery. Politically, our main aim is to support every person on their way to their own pleasure and to show what desires are created because markets act on it. Experience has shown that it does not contribute to the well-being, if important values such as beauty, belonging and being desired are agreed to her at firs, to the the point where woman feels inadequate, to afterwards being sold to them for expensive money. "If all the women on this earth woke up tomorrow morning and felt really well and powerful in their bodies, the global economy would collapse overnight." Laurie Penny, Fleischmarkt - weibliche Körper im Kapitalismus

Polly Fannlaf, Freudenfluss Network